Now that most of you have completed your essays and written assessments and we are coming to the end of the term, I would like you to look back to the first lesson and the goals that you set for yourself. Do you think that you have achieved those goals?
What have you learned this term?
I have learned a lot of juridical aspects of the english law sistem that I didn't know before.
How has your English improved?
In this last months I used to speak english and I used to write in english too and this really helped me for my improving.
What is the next thing you want to achieve?
I hope a great result on this course!
lunedì 8 dicembre 2008
lunedì 1 dicembre 2008
Do you think you need to improve your pronunciation?
Yes, of course!
Who do you want to sound like?
I would like to have a good pronunciation, maybe like an english native speaker!
What areas of your pronunciation will you concentrate on?
I think general areas.
How will you improve?
I can improve listening but most of all speaking and training myself repeating and repeating...
How can using the phonemic chart help you?
I can understend better phonetic symbols studyng it.
Do you think you need to improve your pronunciation?
Yes, of course!
Who do you want to sound like?
I would like to have a good pronunciation, maybe like an english native speaker!
What areas of your pronunciation will you concentrate on?
I think general areas.
How will you improve?
I can improve listening but most of all speaking and training myself repeating and repeating...
How can using the phonemic chart help you?
I can understend better phonetic symbols studyng it.
domenica 30 novembre 2008
1) THICK (aggettivo)
spesso, grosso
--> a thick make up: un trucco pesante
--> to give someone a thick ear: dare un ceffone a qualcuno
--> to have a thick head: avere un cerchio alla testa
--> to have a thick skin: essere insensibile
--> this is a bit thick!: questo è troppo!
fitto, folto
--> a thick hair: una folta chioma
--> thick with: pieno di
--> thick on the ground: in grande quantità
2) TO CRUMBLE (verbo)
sbriciolarsi, sgretolarsi
crollare, andare in pezzi
3) INWARD (aggettivo)
interno d'entrata, in entrara
--> inward investment: investimenti dall'estero intimo
--> one's inward reaction: la propria intima reazione
4) SLANT (sostantivo)
--> at a slant: di traverso
angolazione, punto di vista
5) KNOTTY (aggettivo)
nodoso, intricato, spinoso
6) TO DANGLE (verbo)
ciondolare, penzolare
--> to keep someone dangling: tenere qualcuno sulla corda
7) TATTY (aggettivo)
trasandato, malandato
8) LAMENESS (sostantivo)
andatura zoppicante
fragilità, debolezza
1) THICK (aggettivo)
spesso, grosso
--> a thick make up: un trucco pesante
--> to give someone a thick ear: dare un ceffone a qualcuno
--> to have a thick head: avere un cerchio alla testa
--> to have a thick skin: essere insensibile
--> this is a bit thick!: questo è troppo!
fitto, folto
--> a thick hair: una folta chioma
--> thick with: pieno di
--> thick on the ground: in grande quantità
2) TO CRUMBLE (verbo)
sbriciolarsi, sgretolarsi
crollare, andare in pezzi
3) INWARD (aggettivo)
interno d'entrata, in entrara
--> inward investment: investimenti dall'estero intimo
--> one's inward reaction: la propria intima reazione
4) SLANT (sostantivo)
--> at a slant: di traverso
angolazione, punto di vista
5) KNOTTY (aggettivo)
nodoso, intricato, spinoso
6) TO DANGLE (verbo)
ciondolare, penzolare
--> to keep someone dangling: tenere qualcuno sulla corda
7) TATTY (aggettivo)
trasandato, malandato
8) LAMENESS (sostantivo)
andatura zoppicante
fragilità, debolezza
martedì 25 novembre 2008
Last week saw Barack Obama win the U.S. Election in a historic victory. Obama is the 27th lawyer to become presiedent of the United States. Why do you think so many lawyers go into politics? Do you think lawyers make good politicians? Why/Why not?
I think that it's easyer for a lawyer go into politic because he is just inside the contest or the system, he just knows how do some things work. Lawyes know jurysprudence andjuridical norms and this does help who want to become a politic man.
Last week saw Barack Obama win the U.S. Election in a historic victory. Obama is the 27th lawyer to become presiedent of the United States. Why do you think so many lawyers go into politics? Do you think lawyers make good politicians? Why/Why not?
I think that it's easyer for a lawyer go into politic because he is just inside the contest or the system, he just knows how do some things work. Lawyes know jurysprudence andjuridical norms and this does help who want to become a politic man.
giovedì 20 novembre 2008
When reading about the Common Law and Judge Made Law, you will often see references to Lord Denning. Who was Lord Denning and why was he such an important and controversial figurein British Law?
Lord Denning was a jurist, a barrister and judge. He instigated many important concepts that would become pillars of the common law. One of these is, for example, the "fundamental breach" teory: a so fundamental breach of acontract that it permits the distressed party to terminate performance of it, in addition to entitling that party to sue for damages. He reviewd also the doctrine of "equitable estoppel" (or 'promissory estoppel') that has many individual rules but that generally means that any person arguing a legal position to the court should not have behaved unfairly in the matter. In general estoppel protects a party who would suffer detriment if each following test is met:
- a second party has done or said something to induce an expectation
- the first party relied (reasonably) on the expectation
- the first party would suffer detriment if that expectation were not met.
When reading about the Common Law and Judge Made Law, you will often see references to Lord Denning. Who was Lord Denning and why was he such an important and controversial figurein British Law?
Lord Denning was a jurist, a barrister and judge. He instigated many important concepts that would become pillars of the common law. One of these is, for example, the "fundamental breach" teory: a so fundamental breach of acontract that it permits the distressed party to terminate performance of it, in addition to entitling that party to sue for damages. He reviewd also the doctrine of "equitable estoppel" (or 'promissory estoppel') that has many individual rules but that generally means that any person arguing a legal position to the court should not have behaved unfairly in the matter. In general estoppel protects a party who would suffer detriment if each following test is met:
- a second party has done or said something to induce an expectation
- the first party relied (reasonably) on the expectation
- the first party would suffer detriment if that expectation were not met.
sabato 15 novembre 2008
1) DASH (sostantivo)
slancio, scatto
--> to cut dash: far bella figuragoccio, pizzico
--> a dash of humour: un pizzico di umorismo
2) SAKE (sostantivo)
interesse, fine, scopo
--> for safety's sakes: per motivi di sicurezza
--> for the sake of argument: per il gusto di discutere
--> for his own sake: per il suo bene
3) BAIL (sostantivo)
--> bail bond: deposito cauzionale
--> to be out on bail: essere in libertà provvisoria
--> to go/to stand bail for: rendersi garante per qualcuno
4) DEFIANT (aggettivo)
insolente, provocatorio, spavaldo
5) SINK (verbo)
affondare, andare a fondo
--> to sink into: sprofondare
--> to sink into depression: cadere in depressione
abbassarsi, scendere
--> the sun sank: il sole è tramontato
cadere, crollare, mandare a picco, rovinare
6) CHEAT (sostantivo)
imbroglione, baro
7) HANDFUL (sostantivo)
--> a handful of people: un gruppetto di persone
persona molto vivace, irrequieta
8) SCATTY (aggettivo)
svitato, scervellato
1) DASH (sostantivo)
slancio, scatto
--> to cut dash: far bella figuragoccio, pizzico
--> a dash of humour: un pizzico di umorismo
2) SAKE (sostantivo)
interesse, fine, scopo
--> for safety's sakes: per motivi di sicurezza
--> for the sake of argument: per il gusto di discutere
--> for his own sake: per il suo bene
3) BAIL (sostantivo)
--> bail bond: deposito cauzionale
--> to be out on bail: essere in libertà provvisoria
--> to go/to stand bail for: rendersi garante per qualcuno
4) DEFIANT (aggettivo)
insolente, provocatorio, spavaldo
5) SINK (verbo)
affondare, andare a fondo
--> to sink into: sprofondare
--> to sink into depression: cadere in depressione
abbassarsi, scendere
--> the sun sank: il sole è tramontato
cadere, crollare, mandare a picco, rovinare
6) CHEAT (sostantivo)
imbroglione, baro
7) HANDFUL (sostantivo)
--> a handful of people: un gruppetto di persone
persona molto vivace, irrequieta
8) SCATTY (aggettivo)
svitato, scervellato
lunedì 10 novembre 2008
(approx 50 words)
Some time ago I didn't use phonetic symbols mainly because I didn't know how to read themand how to understand them. Time after time, with my english improving, I learned how do itand I think they are a great instrument for my english language study.
(approx 50 words)
Some time ago I didn't use phonetic symbols mainly because I didn't know how to read themand how to understand them. Time after time, with my english improving, I learned how do itand I think they are a great instrument for my english language study.
mercoledì 5 novembre 2008
Write a paragraph (approx 50 words) on how watching films in their original language can help you with your English.
I like watching films in their original language. I don't go to the cinema to watch them, I prefer to rent DVDs and wacth them in my own. In my opinion there are advantages and disadvantage of using subtitles. An advantage is the fact that you can read the words, so you can understand easyer. Instead, a disadvantage is that you can't wacth all the images because you are reading the subtitles! Actually I didn't have seen many english films about the Law or lawyers,first because I prefer another kind of films and so because sometimes they are not so simple tofollow and to be understood.
Write a paragraph (approx 50 words) on how watching films in their original language can help you with your English.
I like watching films in their original language. I don't go to the cinema to watch them, I prefer to rent DVDs and wacth them in my own. In my opinion there are advantages and disadvantage of using subtitles. An advantage is the fact that you can read the words, so you can understand easyer. Instead, a disadvantage is that you can't wacth all the images because you are reading the subtitles! Actually I didn't have seen many english films about the Law or lawyers,first because I prefer another kind of films and so because sometimes they are not so simple tofollow and to be understood.
sabato 1 novembre 2008
1) TO BABBLE (verbo)
balbettare, blaterare, mormorare
2) SIGH (sostantivo)
--> to breathe a sigh of relief: tirare un sospiro di sollievo
3) TO HAMSTRING (verbo)
paralizzare, immobilizzare
4) BARE (aggettivo)
nudo, spoglio, semplice
--> the bare facts: i fatti nudi e crudi
--> the bare necessities: lo stretto necessario
5) SAG (sostantivo)
cedimento, abbassamentocalo, ribasso
--> sag in prices: flessione dei prezzi
6) FORTH (avverbio)
avanti, in avanti
--> and so forth: e così via
--> back and forth: avanti e indietro
--> from that day forth: da allora in poi
7) COLTISH (aggettivo)
irrequieto, maldestro
8) DECOY (sostantivo)
esca, richiamo
1) TO BABBLE (verbo)
balbettare, blaterare, mormorare
2) SIGH (sostantivo)
--> to breathe a sigh of relief: tirare un sospiro di sollievo
3) TO HAMSTRING (verbo)
paralizzare, immobilizzare
4) BARE (aggettivo)
nudo, spoglio, semplice
--> the bare facts: i fatti nudi e crudi
--> the bare necessities: lo stretto necessario
5) SAG (sostantivo)
cedimento, abbassamentocalo, ribasso
--> sag in prices: flessione dei prezzi
6) FORTH (avverbio)
avanti, in avanti
--> and so forth: e così via
--> back and forth: avanti e indietro
--> from that day forth: da allora in poi
7) COLTISH (aggettivo)
irrequieto, maldestro
8) DECOY (sostantivo)
esca, richiamo
martedì 28 ottobre 2008
(max 2 sentences)
Italian legal system is a civil law system that means that the central point is the written law.
The jurisdiction system is articulated in 3 degrees, and a constitutional court that checks the compatibility of ordinary law and the constitution.
- Certainty
- Legislator elected by people, people make the law
- Overseen and checked by the constitutional court
- No flexibility
- Slow to adapt to new problem
- Difficult and slow access
- No qualified legislative technique
- Attention to the single case
- More flexibility
- equality
- Fast access
- Less certainty
- Abuse of power by judge
- No direct connection to the people.
(max 2 sentences)
Italian legal system is a civil law system that means that the central point is the written law.
The jurisdiction system is articulated in 3 degrees, and a constitutional court that checks the compatibility of ordinary law and the constitution.
- Certainty
- Legislator elected by people, people make the law
- Overseen and checked by the constitutional court
- No flexibility
- Slow to adapt to new problem
- Difficult and slow access
- No qualified legislative technique
- Attention to the single case
- More flexibility
- equality
- Fast access
- Less certainty
- Abuse of power by judge
- No direct connection to the people.
sabato 25 ottobre 2008
We finally decided to leave the town
I attempted to land my plane
They helped us to bury our dead
It made the moon appear blue-grey
The germans joined in singing with the british
We were terrified to see everything changed
Stop to: fermarsi per fare qualcosa
Stop + ing: smettere di fare qualcosa
Regret to: dispiacersi (adesso)
Regret +ing: dispiacersi per non aver fatto qualcosa (prima)
Remember to: viene prima l’azione del ricordare e poi quella dell’atro verbo
Remember +ing: viene prima l’azione dell’altro verbo e poi quella del ricordare
Try to: attempt something difficult
Try +ing: experiment
We finally decided to leave the town
I attempted to land my plane
They helped us to bury our dead
It made the moon appear blue-grey
The germans joined in singing with the british
We were terrified to see everything changed
Stop to: fermarsi per fare qualcosa
Stop + ing: smettere di fare qualcosa
Regret to: dispiacersi (adesso)
Regret +ing: dispiacersi per non aver fatto qualcosa (prima)
Remember to: viene prima l’azione del ricordare e poi quella dell’atro verbo
Remember +ing: viene prima l’azione dell’altro verbo e poi quella del ricordare
Try to: attempt something difficult
Try +ing: experiment
mercoledì 22 ottobre 2008
1) MEND (verbo)
Accomodare, aggiustare, riparare, rattoppare
--> To mend a broken toy: aggiustare un giocattolo rotto
--> To have one’s car mended: far riparare l’automobile
--> To mend a dress: rammendare un vestito
Correggere, correggersi
--> Mend your manners: correggi i tuoi modi
--> I’m afraid he’ll never mend: temo che non si correggerà mai
--> The patient is mending quickly: l’ammalato sta migliorando rapidamente
Rimediarsi, aggiustarsi (di cose, situazioni)
--> Be sure things will mend: sta certo che si aggiusterà tutto
2) LOAN (nome)
--> To ask for the loan of something: chiedere qualcosa in prestito
--> A library loan: prestito bibliotecario
Prestito finanziario, mutuo, anticipazione
--> to take out a loan: contrarre un mutuo
--> Loan agent: agente di prestito
3) POSTAGE (nome)
Tariffa postale, affrancatura
--> Postage meter: macchina affrancatrice
--> Postage stamp: francobollo
--> Extra postage: sovrattasta postale
4) DEVOID (aggettivo)
Privo, mancante, sprovvisto (di qualcosa)
--> A region devoid of inhabitants: una regione priva di abitanti
--> A man devoid of sense: un uomo sprovvisto di buonsenso
5) GLANCE (nome)
Occhiata, rapido sguardo, colpo d’occhio
--> To take a glance at a pamhplet: dare un’occhiata a un volantino
--> To see something at a glance: capire qualcosa a colpo d’occhio
--> A shifting glance: uno sguardo sfuggente
6) BLASTED (aggettivo)
Distrutto, disseccato, inaridito
Deluso, frustrato
Dannato, maledetto
7) THICKLY (avverbio)
Densamente, fittamente
--> The land was thickly covered with trees: il terreno era coperto da una fitta vegetazione
Con voce velata, incerta, confusa
--> To speak thickly: parlare biascicando le parole
8) SPALL (nome)
Frammento, scheggia
1) MEND (verbo)
Accomodare, aggiustare, riparare, rattoppare
--> To mend a broken toy: aggiustare un giocattolo rotto
--> To have one’s car mended: far riparare l’automobile
--> To mend a dress: rammendare un vestito
Correggere, correggersi
--> Mend your manners: correggi i tuoi modi
--> I’m afraid he’ll never mend: temo che non si correggerà mai
--> The patient is mending quickly: l’ammalato sta migliorando rapidamente
Rimediarsi, aggiustarsi (di cose, situazioni)
--> Be sure things will mend: sta certo che si aggiusterà tutto
2) LOAN (nome)
--> To ask for the loan of something: chiedere qualcosa in prestito
--> A library loan: prestito bibliotecario
Prestito finanziario, mutuo, anticipazione
--> to take out a loan: contrarre un mutuo
--> Loan agent: agente di prestito
3) POSTAGE (nome)
Tariffa postale, affrancatura
--> Postage meter: macchina affrancatrice
--> Postage stamp: francobollo
--> Extra postage: sovrattasta postale
4) DEVOID (aggettivo)
Privo, mancante, sprovvisto (di qualcosa)
--> A region devoid of inhabitants: una regione priva di abitanti
--> A man devoid of sense: un uomo sprovvisto di buonsenso
5) GLANCE (nome)
Occhiata, rapido sguardo, colpo d’occhio
--> To take a glance at a pamhplet: dare un’occhiata a un volantino
--> To see something at a glance: capire qualcosa a colpo d’occhio
--> A shifting glance: uno sguardo sfuggente
6) BLASTED (aggettivo)
Distrutto, disseccato, inaridito
Deluso, frustrato
Dannato, maledetto
7) THICKLY (avverbio)
Densamente, fittamente
--> The land was thickly covered with trees: il terreno era coperto da una fitta vegetazione
Con voce velata, incerta, confusa
--> To speak thickly: parlare biascicando le parole
8) SPALL (nome)
Frammento, scheggia
domenica 19 ottobre 2008
giovedì 16 ottobre 2008
Quando si ha a che fare col “english tense system” bisogna sempre considerare 3 aspetti fondamentali:
1) the nature of the action/event
--> I’ve been ask….
......Present perfect, qui l’azione si è compiuta una volta, è cominciata e finita
--> I’ve been asking…
......Present perfect continuous, l’azione è più di una,
......si è ripetuta più volte nel tempo, ha una continuità quasi irritante se non viene interrotta.
2) how the speaker sees the event, il punto di vista
--> He he always buys her flowers
......la frase è neutrale
--> He's always buying her flowers
......è una feeling, esprime un ostato d’animo (magari sorpresa, stupore…)
3) the nature of the verb
--> The house belonged to my father, now it belongs to me
......è netto il passaggio da uno stato all’altro
......da una azione all’altra, prima era in un modo ora è in un altro
--> I’ve been waiting for you for ages and it’s raining!
.....qui l’azione è duratura, esprime una continuità nel tempo
Quando si ha a che fare col “english tense system” bisogna sempre considerare 3 aspetti fondamentali:
1) the nature of the action/event
--> I’ve been ask….
......Present perfect, qui l’azione si è compiuta una volta, è cominciata e finita
--> I’ve been asking…
......Present perfect continuous, l’azione è più di una,
......si è ripetuta più volte nel tempo, ha una continuità quasi irritante se non viene interrotta.
2) how the speaker sees the event, il punto di vista
--> He he always buys her flowers
......la frase è neutrale
--> He's always buying her flowers
......è una feeling, esprime un ostato d’animo (magari sorpresa, stupore…)
3) the nature of the verb
--> The house belonged to my father, now it belongs to me
......è netto il passaggio da uno stato all’altro
......da una azione all’altra, prima era in un modo ora è in un altro
--> I’ve been waiting for you for ages and it’s raining!
.....qui l’azione è duratura, esprime una continuità nel tempo
lunedì 13 ottobre 2008
SUMMARY (max 50 words)
The Lord Chief justice has drawn attention to the problem of the english prisions system: jails are overfilled and crimes are growing. The only possible solution is to impose non-custodial sentences, when it is possible, saving public money and cells and to use offenders in social work.
venerdì 10 ottobre 2008
1) DUBSTIN (nome)
pattumiera, bidone della spazzatura
2) TO CREAK (verbo intransitivo)
3) SHARP (aggettivo)
affilato, tagliente
--> a sharp knife: un coltello tagliente
--> a sharp pencil: una matita appuntita
--> a sharp pain: una fitta dolorosa
4) DISMAY (nome)
sgomento, costernazione, paura
--> much to my dismay: con mio grande sgomento
5) ELSEWHERE (avverbio)
6) CHAIRMAN (nome)
presidente, capo
7) WASTE (nome)
speco, sperpero
--> waste of time: perdita di tempo
8) DEBATE (nome)
dibattito, discussione
1) DUBSTIN (nome)
pattumiera, bidone della spazzatura
2) TO CREAK (verbo intransitivo)
3) SHARP (aggettivo)
affilato, tagliente
--> a sharp knife: un coltello tagliente
--> a sharp pencil: una matita appuntita
--> a sharp pain: una fitta dolorosa
4) DISMAY (nome)
sgomento, costernazione, paura
--> much to my dismay: con mio grande sgomento
5) ELSEWHERE (avverbio)
6) CHAIRMAN (nome)
presidente, capo
7) WASTE (nome)
speco, sperpero
--> waste of time: perdita di tempo
8) DEBATE (nome)
dibattito, discussione
martedì 7 ottobre 2008
1) What kind of learner are you?
How do you go about learning new things?
Generally I like learning new things, especially if I'm interesting the subjet.
In this istance I like english but must of all I want to improve myself.
I hope I will manage it successfully!
2) How important is english for your studies?
Your future career? Your life in Europe in 2008?
Well, I think it is very important because nowadays everyone in every contest must have knowledge of english language.
3) What do you find difficult about english? Why?
I think I don't have problem about reading or writing.
Personally I must improve myself in listening and speaking.
Maybe I find listening a little bit difficult beacuse sometimes is not easy understand peole speaking very fast!
4) How do you like to be corrected?
I don't have any problems if my teacher corrects me during the lesson or while I'm speaking if I'm doing any mistake. In any case I want to understand where I commited any error.
5) What can you do outside the classroom to help your learning?
First of all I will do my homeworks!
I decided to create this blog so that it will be easyer and faster do and corret them.
Then I like so much music and films and I enjoy myself looking for what's the meaning of the words I find in english songs and in english or american films.
6) Do you read English books/magazines/articles, use english language websites,
watch english language news reports, programmes and films?
Sometimes I read english articles and very often I watch english or american films but I don’t read books or magazines or articles in english language.
7) What do you want to be able to do at the end of this course that you can’t do now?
I hope I’ll improve my speaking ability because now I think I’m not very able in this!
1) What kind of learner are you?
How do you go about learning new things?
Generally I like learning new things, especially if I'm interesting the subjet.
In this istance I like english but must of all I want to improve myself.
I hope I will manage it successfully!
2) How important is english for your studies?
Your future career? Your life in Europe in 2008?
Well, I think it is very important because nowadays everyone in every contest must have knowledge of english language.
3) What do you find difficult about english? Why?
I think I don't have problem about reading or writing.
Personally I must improve myself in listening and speaking.
Maybe I find listening a little bit difficult beacuse sometimes is not easy understand peole speaking very fast!
4) How do you like to be corrected?
I don't have any problems if my teacher corrects me during the lesson or while I'm speaking if I'm doing any mistake. In any case I want to understand where I commited any error.
5) What can you do outside the classroom to help your learning?
First of all I will do my homeworks!
I decided to create this blog so that it will be easyer and faster do and corret them.
Then I like so much music and films and I enjoy myself looking for what's the meaning of the words I find in english songs and in english or american films.
6) Do you read English books/magazines/articles, use english language websites,
watch english language news reports, programmes and films?
Sometimes I read english articles and very often I watch english or american films but I don’t read books or magazines or articles in english language.
7) What do you want to be able to do at the end of this course that you can’t do now?
I hope I’ll improve my speaking ability because now I think I’m not very able in this!
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